
Mesa County Irrigation District

Water Usage Information

We anticipate turning water on during the first full week of April each year.

Assessment Fees

Assessments for the first acre and less are $44 per year. Rates for any acreage above the first acre is $25 per acre or fraction thereof.

On your Mesa County Real Estate Property Tax Notice you’ll notice a Special Assessment.

This varies with size of parcel from $44 upwards – this is for the Mesa County Irrigation District Assessment. This is not a tax but an assessment for water. If you call the Mesa County Assessor’s & Treasurer’s offices, regarding this Special Assessment, the staff will direct you to call MCID for further information on the line item. We hope this explains this issue, but MCID has no control over the wording or printing of the notices from Mesa County.

Open Ditches

MCID is not responsible for operating or maintaining open ditches. Those that use or can use those ditches are responsible for preparing them for the irrigation season by April 1st. This includes cleaning them from trash, debris, weeds and sediment. If a ditch is not ready to accept water by April 1, the District may refuse to deliver irrigation water.  As a reminder, underground District valves are not to be operated by non-District personnel. 

MCID is not responsible for operating private systems. However if property damage is occurring due to over-flowing head or tail ditches, plugged or broken pipes or drains the District must turn off the water-source until repairs to the private system are complete.

Watering Can
900 irrigated acres

Water Rights + Boundaries

MCID’s boundaries encompass approximately 2,300 acres; about 900 acres are irrigated. MCID’s water rights are allocated to the acreage within the District’s boundary. When land ownership changes, the water stays with the land.

4.93 gallons per minute

Water Assessments

Water assessments are collected by the Mesa County Treasurer as part of the property taxes levied on irrigated lands within the District. Allocated amount of MCID water is equal to 0.42 Colorado Miner’s inch (4.93 gallons per minute) per acre.

Who’s Responsible for Wastewater Ditches?

Water that is delivered to a landowner becomes his/her property, and any excess water draining from that land is your responsibility.

This includes the maintenance and care of the exit ditch that carries the water to a natural or manmade drainage facility. Maintenance of the wastewater facility is usually a shared responsibility of everyone who has water going into the ditch.

Please be aware that the irrigation districts are not responsible for the maintenance, care, or supervision of these wastewater ditches.

Avoid Damage to Water Pumps

To avoid water pump damage, water users should consider installing a low-pressure cutoff switch. Water levels in the canals and ditches (even the newly piped ones) can fluctuate and even shut off expectedly, damaging your pump. The cost of a shutoff switch is minimal when compared with replacing a burned out pump.

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